Tag Archives: couponing

Photocopying Coupons = BIG NO-NO!

6 Sep

I was at work today when one of my team members noticed a hefty folder of coupons. We frequently exchange coupons throughout the building and thought nothing of it. However, we then noticed that many of them looked like Photocopies… and we became concerned. That’s when my eyes fell to the folder and it mentioned “making copies.” My heart sank. 😦

As many new couponers are out there and learning the ropes, I feel that it is VERY important to stress this: photocopying coupons voids the coupon. It is considered fraud. If you knowingly use a photocopied coupon, you can be held accountable by law. Please be sure to read the language on coupons; it clearly states that photocopying is prohibited.

If the store attempts to redeem the counterfeit coupon with the retailer, the claim is rejected and the retailer will not be reimbursed. At that point, it would be considered theft.

Couponers are already under heavy scrutiny; if you’re couponing you know that now more than ever cashiers and managers are reading your coupons and making sure they match. If the temptation to coupon arises, please don’t do it.  

The Coupon Information Center (also known around here as the Coupon Policy) is a great place to read more on this, as well as learn how to spot and prevent counterfeit coupon usage.

Register Now for Our First Coupon Class!

3 Sep

We’ve been working diligently to get our coupon class ready. And we’re finally there!

Click here to register for our first coupon class on:

Saturday, September 17th, 2011


2:30 PM

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn at our class:

  • Where to Find Coupons
  • Coupon Policies Made Easy
  • Top 3 Transaction Mistakes and How to Fix Them
  • Understanding Coupon Language
  • How to Effectively Coupon… and more!
We also offer a coupon swap and a question and answer segment.

There is a cost of $10 for our class. This covers materials (you’ll get a 39 page guide), and light refreshments. Child care is not provided.

After you have successfully completed the registration form, we will contact you via e-mail with information regarding the location and how to pay. We accept cash, check or debit cards.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

Ask Pinkie: Now Accepting Your Couponing Questions

11 Aug

Have a question about couponing that you need answered? Look no further! I will be THRILLED to answer anything you need to know! From stockpiling to finding a good deal on a certain item, just ask!

Click here to submit your “Ask Pinkie” questions. It might just be showcased on the site! 🙂

Coupon Class… Coming in September!

8 Aug

Tired of spending too much on groceries? Wanna learn how to coupon but don’t think you have the time? Get ready to cut your grocery bill in half!

My couponing partner-in-crime, Angie and I are teaming up to bring you a couponing class in September! If you’re in the Battle Creek / Charlotte area, we’d love to teach you how  to coupon!

The cost is $10, but you will definitely learn how to make that money back. There is also a coupon exchange at the end of the class to get you started!

Here’s some of the topics we’ll be covering:

  • Where to Find Coupons
  • Overages & Price Matching
  • How Do I Know I’m Getting a Good Deal?
  • And MORE!

If you’re interested and would like to do an early RSVP, you may do so here. If you RSVP early, you will automatically be entered to win a FREE ready-to-use coupon binder!

Couponing 101: 3 Check-Out Boo-Boos & How to Fix Them

24 Jul

You made your list, you clipped your coupons, you filled your cart, but when it was time to pay the cashier, something just didn’t come out right. At that moment you get a pit in your stomach and you think, “I totally messed up. I can’t believe I just did that!” Whether you’ve been couponing for a few weeks or years, we’ve all been there at some point. Here’s the top three boo-boos that even experienced couponers make at the checkout and how to correct them.

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7/17 Sunday Paper Insert

16 Jul

Sadly, there will be just one SmartSource Insert this week. On the bright side, it seems we’ll be getting some good coupons.

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Detroit Free Press; the inserts usually have more coupons.

Here’s the highlights I see:

  • Comet $.35/1 spray or soft scrub cleanser (9/30)
  • Excedrin $.75/1 20 ct (9/3)
  • Huggies $1.50/1 diapers (8/13)

For more, visit Sunday Coupon Preview.

Meijer Deals for the Week of 7/17 – 7/23

16 Jul

Here’s my favorite finds for this upcoming week. You can check out the entire ad here. I will post additional deals once the new mPerks load on Monday.

You may have noticed last week I didn’t post any deals for Meijer. If I don’t find at least 5 deals that I like, I won’t post any. This is because if I’m not going to spend money on bad deals, then I definitely won’t advise you to do it, either. I don’t want to waste your very valuable time with crappy deals.

My Stock-Up items are red and bolded, meaning I think now is a good time to stock-up. Anything in black is still a good deal, but not necessarily the greatest. And as I’m sure you can tell, I only post deals that perk my interest. However, if you’re looking for more ad match-ups, hop on over to Bargains to Bounty. Enjoy!

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Couponing 101: When, Where, and How to Use Coupons

22 Jun

Warning: SUPER LONG POST! 🙂 To read it in it’s entirety, click “read more of this entry.”

Sadly, I used to think I was getting a better deal buying generics rather than using a coupon for a name brand item. It wasn’t until I really researched couponing that I found out I was very wrong.  Here’s my favorite tips on couponing:

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21 Jun

If you’re reading this, chances are:

  1. You know me, and
  2. You love a good bargain. 🙂

Rest assured you came to the right place! The main reason I started this blog, is because I’m constantly asked how I get such good deals.  This is my opportunity to share what I know about couponing, help you get some good deals, and have some fun along the way.

I plan to post bargains, freebies, and brag here and there about the great deals that I find. I’m planning to post matchups for Target, Meijer, and if the deal is particularly good, Wal-Mart. What you won’t find here, are matchups to Walgreens or Rite Aid. Why? The drugstores around here are usually picked clean (more gripping on that later).  But fear not – you can score deals that are just as awesome by shopping at area grocery stores that allow coupon stacking or price matching sales at Wal-Mart (we’ll talk about that later).

The next couple of weeks I plan to baby-step you into couponing. I’ll be teaching you what I’ve learned since I started couponing; where to find them, when to use them, how to maximize your savings, and how to apply what you’ve learned to all aspects of your life – not just couponing.

I look forward to teaching you and getting feedback! If you have particularly good deals, PLEASE DO share them with me! I plan on doing a “bragging wall” segment. 🙂