Tag Archives: free nursing covers

Promo Codes for FREE Baby Products!

6 Sep

Destination Maternity is offering up some AWESOME promo codes for baby goodies. The FREE baby sling would make an AWESOME baby shower gift, so I’d act fast. 🙂

Here’s how to get your freebies:

1.  Go to SevenSlings.com and/or UdderCovers.com.

2.  Click on “Shop Now” and select any baby carrier, nursing cover or breast pads you like.

3.  Once you have made your selection, you’ll automatically be directed to the shopping bag.
     Enter the promo code DESTINATION” and both companies have agreed to deduct 100% of
     the cost of the carrier or nursing cover – all you pay are the shipping fees!

Remember: the promo code is DESTINATION and you can order all 3 offers – just open a new browser window each time you do.

Looks like a sling with shipping and Size Exchange Insurance will cost you just $15.45. Not a bad deal for a quality sling!